It is responsible for port safety, as well as the proper regulation of ship movements and the safeguarding of port structures.
It also performs the following functions:

  • Piloting:

    Leasing and rental of lands, hangars, offices, buildings, installations and land for industrial or commercial use. The provision of the pilot to assist or guide the vessel's captain in entry and exit maneuvers. This activity is generally accompanied by pilot boats, canoes and tugs.

  • Mooring :

    This term covers the mooring and unmooring of a ship. Mooring involves securing the ship to the berth once docked. This operation is carried out using a ship-specific rope.

  • Berthing :

    The port provides berthing facilities for these customers, depending on the technical characteristics of the vessel to be received.


Other activities


  • -Rescue assistance for ships and craft in peril.
  • -Tugboat rental, refueling and equipment transport.
  • -Environmental protection and fire fighting.


It is responsible for planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling all handling and stevedoring activities related to port operations.
It includes the following Sections:
This includes loading, stowing, unstowing and unloading cargos, ...


Tasks :
  • Leasing and rental of land, warehouses, offices, buildings, installations and land for industrial or commercial use.
  • Ship waste removal and berth sanitation......